Make it Awesome The most powerful library of assets to help artists create whatever they imagine. From VFX (Motion Graphics + Textures Archives),Read More…
Articles about Marketing & PR
Make it Awesome The most powerful library of assets to help artists create whatever they imagine. From VFX (Motion Graphics + Textures Archives),Read More…
Want more retweets on Twitter? Of course you do! Here are 19 simple Twitter tips that get more retweets – and take 2 minutes or less! Continue reaRead More…
How big business uses the emotional power of logos. Logos are the most valuable intangible asset of a company. Continue reading “Review of FRead More…
Why women are the real power behind the huge success of Pinterest and Tumblr. The infographic shows that women not only use social media more often Read More…
Quick review of false and misleading tricks used in ads. To show the disparity between ads and actual products, we’ve found an infographic that coRead More…
Do you visit trade shows or does your business participate in them? See the infographic about the marketing power of trade shows to visualize how Read More…
Useful Sales & Marketing Tips By Peter Nunes d’Agrella 1. You must have effective strategies and act on those strategies in a consistent manneRead More…
Use Opinion Research to build strong communication By Frank Noto The brand manager was a hunter, sportsman, and self-described “man’s man.” His Read More…
Market Analysis This section of your business plan will need to present convincing evidence that your business is likely to meet with success in the Read More…
Estimating a Market Area If you’re doing sales forecasts you can estimate the sales for several market areas (market segmentation). You’ll need to asRead More…